Friday, February 10, 2012

wk2 reading - Mind Games

I really enjoy reading the book, The Art of Possibilities. There are so many things that resonate with me as I read, but the thing that I connected with most in the first four chapters was the letter that students had to write to themselves explained in chapter 3. I recently attended my 20 year high school reunion. When we sat down to dinner, each of the alumni had an envelope propped up against their water glass. When I looked at mine, I immediately recognized the handwriting on the envelope as my own, just a little more loopy than it's present form. :-) It suddenly dawned on me that we had written letters to ourselves before our graduation, 20 years prior. I opened mine expecting a big laugh, but instead found that where I said would be in 20 years, is actually remarkably close to where I am. When I initially read the letter, I concluded that I must have been far more in touch with who I was than I remember being, however after reading The Art of Possibilities, I wonder if there was more to it than that. What if I achieved my dreams because I stated my intention, believed it was possible, and actually wrote it down? Hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is an amazing reflection. So few of us have the opportunity or possibility of speaking to ourselves 20-years hence. Its an amazing thought to imagine that part of realizing your dream might have been speaking your dream so many year ago. I've often cringed at my writing from way back, seeing how I seem to have repeated the same mistakes over and over again. Perhaps I should spend more time writing about where I want to be in life instead of lamenting repeated errors. Hmmm.
