Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 4 Reading Response to John Hutchinson

Chapter 12:

(Benjamin Zander conducted Beethoven's 5th)

In this chapter all the anecdotes related to the symphonies and classical music really made sense.  The Symphony is possibly the best metaphor for the "WE" story.  Actually, the relationship between conductor / symphony is a great metaphor the message of the entire book.  I think this is obvious and clear from many of the stories in the book, but watching this clip now after reading the book really helped tie all the lessons together.

My response:

What a great change of pace for the blogs, Hutch. I don't often think of symphonies, but completely agree with your comment about WE being akin to one. I guess there are other illustrations of the concept, but none perhaps as obviously constructed of different parts as a symphony. I think that I'll think of it every time I try to explain the phenomenon of interdependence. Thanks. :-)

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