Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 3 Wimba Post

I really enjoyed the discussion about Art of the Possibilities. I have greatly enjoyed reading this book and thank you for introducing it to us. It makes me desperately wish I could participate in the live Wimba's. While many of the themes are revisiting  "The Power of Positive Thinking" and "The Secret,"but it never hurts to be reminded of the power our mind has and to hear vital principles in different ways. What resonates with one person, doesn't necessarily with the next. Anyway, I  hope to not "lose faith" as you say. :-)

I also appreciate the focus on what is expected during week 4 in regard to our Leadership Project and how it is connected as we go further. Thanks for walking us through the two possible approaches to our presentation/publication, i.e. recapping our entire CBR or looking at it through a "what would I do if I were to do it again" point of view. I came away with some good ideas and a clearer idea of how I will go about delivering the information I have collected.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you weren't able to make it to the Wimba sessions... Amen to not losing faith.
