Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 4 Wimba Post

I am very grateful for my reviews. David looked at my presentation when it was a very rough draft and offered some great feedback that helped shape the tweaking of the final. Donald viewed the draft in it's near final form and also reminded me to pay attention to the specific assignment details, saving me from turning in a presentation which far exceeded the suggested word limit. I enjoyed reviewing their projects as well and am anxious to see them in the final form, as it seems as though we will be working with them again in our final month. 

Leadership project commentary from David Stossmeister:


   I've looked and read through it once now. You mentioned it's pretty rough and I agree that it could use some refinement. You have the talking points you need in there but at the moment you have ALL the talking points. Remember that even though we're turning this in for a grade in class, it's ultimately meant to be a live lecture at a conference which typically have 30-60 minute sessions. I'm sure you're already aware of this as you mentioned it was a rough draft. I mention it because I'm pretty bad at always preparing too much information and ending up having to pick up the pace to get through it. The conference website should hopefully say somewhere what the session length is.

The way I've been practicing to get better (and maybe it'll be of use to you) is to approach it from a bit of a different mindset. Think of your favorite novel or movie and imagine you had to condense all of that story down into a 5 minute verbal synopsis, what would you include? what would you leave out? This exercise has helped me get quite a bit better at it--though I still have a long ways to go :D Kinda silly and I'm not sure if it'll help you but figured I'd throw it out there just in case.

As you do your revisions and start weeding out the extra information and getting rid of the kind of sterile, academic formatting of our CBR website treat it like it's a bed-time story for your kids and write it from that perspective. You are the storyteller meant to entertain the audience at the conference :D

The design looks great, the images are awesome. The only real recommendation I have right now is to transcribe the narration from the video in your conclusion slide and put that in your speakers notes and plan on speaking it at the conference. Might feel a little weird playing a video of yourself to a room when you're standing right there. Unless what you were trying to go for is showing the audience your reactions at the time you were actually doing the CBR instead of retroactively discussing it live.

I know alot of what I said may have been "no duh, I'm just not at that point in the revisions yet" but figured I'd put it in just in case any of it was helpful.

I'm gonna crash out but should be up fairly early tomorrow morning and I'll come back to the presentation and dig in and see if I can come up with any specific helpful tidbits about what I think might be good to keep or what may be able to be cut without losing the message.


Leadership project commentary from Donald Buchanan: 

Nikki, I liked the addition of your trailer it is a good connection into what you are doing. The sound audio on some of your videos is poor. I had to put my earphones on and turn the volume all the way up on one of them in order to hear. Check your word count to make sure you are not exceeding the limit. Overall, good job.

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