Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 3 Reading Response #1 to Sonja Sprague

Week 3 Reading - The Art of Possibility 5-8

Joan Brink Young Children Services is always willing to try something new without any other reward than to have a video to show her students.

Everyone is responsible for the team; one person does not lead it. This is not what I am use to. I have in the past been given a direction and I do it. This idea gives everyone the responsibility and the reward. I like it.

You can either try to plan to succeed by scheming, which is unfulfilling or live without a pattern of strategies or alternate objectives. Instead living with real compassion and honest expression will let you live free.

We have to be able to see how things are, but also how they could be without our assumptions or feelings but to look at the facts of where we’ve been and where we could be. Do not speak anything that excludes possibilities.

Let go of anything that is holding you back and participate fully.

I am writing these notes from Art of Possibility as notes to self. These ideas will help me resolve a lot of issues I am fighting in my own mind that deals with the changes at work. I think our assistant superintendent read the book and is practicing this with us. I just wish everyone else would read it too. There are a lot of staff who will not open up to creating educational videos in their classroom because it is not how they use to do it. They are always coming up with many reasons why it cannot be. This makes many hurdles for me to do my job. Some teachers are willing and able.


That must be frustrating for you. It always confounds me when team members are willing to spend tireless energy fighting change, when if they would put 1/2 of that energy into giving the proposed change a chance they might find that a tool is being proposed that could actually prove beneficial to their students and selves. :-/

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