Sunday, February 12, 2012

Response to Vivian's Week 2 Reading Post

Week 2 Reading Reflexion

Earth from space, image by NASA, Public Domain.

"The meanings of our minds construct may be widely shared and sustaining for us, but they may have little to do with the world itself. Furthermore, how would we know?” The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

After reading these lines in The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander I was skeptical.  To me not being able to trust your mind is the definition of madness. But what the authors were suggesting was to get rid of preconceived limiting notions of the world to make room for a new vision of a world full of possibilities by eliminating non-real but believed as truth limiting conditions.  

As I read the chapters I keep thinking about how my world is so easily limited by space, my classroom, the roads I drive everyday to and from work, my family needs. I find it so easy to forget there is so much more out there.  Because, I am consumed by everyday tasks, this passive acceptance makes me angry.  Not because I was not aware of it but I let it be that way, I have accepted it as life.  Then the authors remind me is really just about choice. I have the power to choose differently.

Time to step into a world of possibilities. A world of possibilities and scarcity thinking just don’t work together. I am enjoying this view of a world without self imposed limits. Now the most difficult part, giving an A, I am taking this A as an A for acceptance by eliminating negative judgment.  What a great way of shifting competition from one person against another and turning competition into personal growth. The possibility of letting go of limiting mental gauges, fear and failure among others is the road to being a contribution. To be a contributor that A has to come from within. The possibilities of a paradigm shift.

Nikki's Response:
It's amazing the things you can accomplish when you change your way of thinking and believe you can. I happened upon this personal discovery during this program actually. I entered the program as a wife, mother of 3, and a teacher and was trepidatious. My world was busy, but stable and supportive of the undertaking. I questioned whether I would be able to fit graduate school in, but decided to give it a go. In the third month, when I learned I was no longer going to be a wife and discovered the implications of that reality: taking care of kids by myself, losing the house, financial duress, grieving process, etc., I was certain I would not be able to continue in the program. There was something inside urging me on however and I have since discovered that the more that is asked of me, the more I am capable of doing. As cliché as it may sound, we really are capable of anything! :-)

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