Friday, February 17, 2012

Week 3 Leadership Post

My CBR Project focuses on the benefits of implementing a physical activity regimen in the classroom. I have chosen to submit my proposal to present at: SOPHE's 63rd Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. SOPHE is an organization that promotes healthy behaviors, healthy communities, and healthy environments with members who work in elementary/secondary schools, universities, voluntary organizations, health care settings, worksites, and local/state/federal government agencies. 

I have already submitted my abstract in hopes of presenting at the conference. I look forward to receiving a response. 

The second conference I am submitting my presentation to is the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, otherwise known as AAHPERD. AAHPERD is the largest organization of professionals supporting and assisting professionals involved in physical education, recreation, fitness, sport, coaching, dance, and health education. Their final schedule is already set and they are not accepting any more submissions for the 2012 conference, however I intend to submit for next year;s annual conference. 

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