Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 2 Leadership Post

To present or publish?  That is the question.

I am definitely leaning toward presenting. The reason for this decision is due in large part to realizing that my CBR project has some of the same issues I found that many researchers have had when tackling the same issue. While I feel that some great quantitative and qualitative data was collected, I am not able to prove that the results were based on the incorporation of a physical activity regimen alone. Therefore, I have some questions about how seriously it would be taken by an academic journal. I do, however, feel that the information, whether scientifically valid, is relevant and important and I am excited to share our experience.

Upon first glance, I am thinking of submitting to the EDUCAUSE conference, as this seems on the surface to be the one that my project would fit into best. My project did not rely too heavily upon technology, as the challenge was physical activity, therefore many of the journals and conferences would seem to be ill-fitted for my research.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, interesting thoughts about your CBR and why it may make for a better presentation...
