Friday, February 10, 2012

Response to Smitty's Week 2 Reading Post

Wk2 Reading: Infinite Possibility

Once I started looking for ideas beyond my expectations and ways for seeing beyond limitations, the second chapter of the text put things into better perspective. As a Marine I am trained to be objective oriented and focus on being as economical as possible in the pursuit of the objective. Fewest necessary resources, shortest possible time. The result has been a very serious and officious teacher and honestly man. I am softening as my experience broadens to allow for civilian frailty, but too often, I work on the assumption that everything I do is being measured and evaluated by the standards of the Corps. Following these revelations I intend to try to live in the moment and realize when I need to be in which world. I know I can't live in both worlds all the time, but being able to open myself up to the possibilities will serve to improve my demeanor with students and parents

Nikki's Response:

This is a great revelation and I applaud you for taking the time for reflection. As you know, I too have had personal military experience, however some of my greatest insights into the military mindset come from my father and grandfather, both of whom made it their career. While their penchant for expeditious execution, resourcefulness, extraordinary self discipline, and unparalleled work ethic are/were to be greatly admired, their ability to see other perspectives and "forgive" those who did not operate in the same manner definitely needed some improving. Situations in the military call for decisive action, you must be well-trained and there often time any room for questioning. If you go "outside of the box" on a mission, without promulgating and training your troops accordingly, you'll likely sacrifice men. Luckily, I think, the civilian world allows for a little more contemplation and creativity. :-)

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