Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hi again! I've already talked to you a little bit about my new favorite Web 2.0 tool:, now I'm going to branch off and tell you a bit about the site's sister:, the education friendly version of the animation Web 2.0 tool. 

When playing with the original version, I was happy to come across the sister site which provides an individual site for school with up to 100 accounts for free! gives one administrator account per school as well as a limited number of teachers accounts to enable the monitoring and sharing of animations solely within the own personalized school site. 

All you have to do is register and upon verification of school affiliation a site, an email is sent to you authorizing your sight, administrator license, and student accounts. Yay! 

Once you receive your site and account information, it is time to start adding teachers, students, and setting parameters: makes this an effortless process with its user friendly environment. The platform guides you through everything you need to to set up all accounts and permissions with visible tutorials and detailed instructions. 

Once teachers' and students' accounts are created, there is a plethora of sample animations to view in the lessons gallery, illuminating the myriad of possibilities this tool provides and helping to get the creative juices flowing. 

Here's a link to one that I found entertaining and particularly relevant to my classroom:

In addition to the lessons gallery, where users are able to comment on published animations, the site also provides a forum for community interaction, allowing for idea exchange, problem solving, and troubleshooting, making this a collaborative tool where the users are truly able to establish a presence on the internet. 

In the next post, I will share one of my creations! See ya there... 

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