Monday, June 13, 2011


These Apple people really know what they're doing. Wow! I knew I liked working with iMovie, but now that I'm learning how to really work with iMovie, I have a feeling that this is going to turn into a much stronger emotion. ;-)

So, here we go: part 2, sections 4, 5, & 6 of iMovie training. My head is spinning, what to talk about? What to talk about?

Section 4 was educational, but not wicked exciting so I'll focus on section 5, "Editing Video" and section 6, "Working with Effects."

A couple of things that I found beneficial in section 5, "Editing Video," were the "advanced edit tool," which is only seen when you have "show advance tools" selected under preferences, and the  "precision editor, " which is for fine grain control of your clips. The precision editor is especially good for starting video with audio cues and the like.  

Section 6, "Working with Effects," is far and away the best of all the sections thus far! You know when you receive one of those holiday presents that come in a huge box but when you open it you discover that you've actually received millions of smaller  presents? Just when you think you've found all that is comprehensibly possible, you take out another piece of tissue paper and find yet another gift. Section 6 was like that!

My favorite parts: learning how to use Ken Burns effect, jump cut at Beat Markers, Fade video to stills, and the Green (or blue) screen effect (I plan on delving into this one a little bit more in my next post)! Hold on to your seat! :-)

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