Saturday, June 25, 2011

ETC_Final_Project_Publish RILS to blog
1. Target Audience- My target audience will be my classroom students, who range in age from 13-18 and grades 7-10.

Brief Overview: Students will familiarize themselves with the animation Web 2.0 tool: and create an animation reflecting the topic they enjoyed most learning about over the school year.

2. Materials-
·      Computers
·      Internet access
· accounts
·      SmartBoard for demonstrations

3. Objectives-At the end of this scenario the learner will be able to:
·      Assess and prioritize the importance of learning over the past school year
·      Design and create an animation that demonstrates an important concept learned over the school year
·      Share their creation with classmates
·      Analyze, critique, and comment on classmates animations

4. Procedure-
·      Teacher will sign up for account
·      Teacher will set students up with accounts on designated goanimate4schools account
·      Teacher will show the following YouTube video:
·      Students will watch the provided tutorial provided by
·      Students will reflect on the past year of learning and choose the thing they most enjoyed learning about in the classroom
·      Students will create a written script or produce a graphic organizer reflecting their topic
·      Students will create an animation that expresses what they enjoyed learning about most in the classroom
·      Students will collaborate with their classmates as they create, offering each other suggestions and sharing expertise
·      Students will share their final project with the teacher and class
·      Students will comment on their peers animations via the website
·      Students will provide a video reflection of the exercise

5. Web 2.0 Tool-  I have chosen the animation tool as my Web 2.0 tool for this RILS project. is and entertainment website in which its users can create simple or complex "computer animated stories, satires, and sentiments.

6.  Social Participation/Social Learning- Students will collaborate with their classmates as they create, offering each other suggestions and sharing expertise. They will share their final project with the teacher and class, as well as comment on their peers animations via the website.

7. Making Connections-
a)    Students will think back upon the year and what they have learned in school and decide how to best communicate that knowledge via an animation.
b)   Allowing the students to choose their subject matter and sharing that with their peers allows for the inherent assumption of relevance to themselves and their peer group.
c)    Users of are able to upload their animations to various social media sites allowing them to share the content with both a local and global audience.

8.  Create/Produce- The end product will be a computer-generated animation.

9. Assessment-Due to time restraints, my students will not be able to become experts with this Web 2.0 tool, therefore they will receive participation points that will be factored into their final grade in the subject area that they choose to do their animation in. The students are expected to produce an animation that communicates something they have learned over the year. As long as they do that they will receive full points.

10. Reflection-
a)    Students will reflect on the experience and share their authentic feedback via a video interview.
b)   The teacher will evaluate the animations produced and reflect on the value of the experience. The teacher will also analyze the lesson and make adjustments for future implementation.


  1. I loved the use of this Web 2.0 tool to engage students. That last week of school can be very challenging, especially with high stakes testing, and the use of was a great way to keep the kids at school mind and body. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, Nikki, it looks like the kids really took to the animation as quickly as you did. I loved the authenticity of their student humor integrated into your video. I hope that there will be continued builiding upon the basic tools and framework of GoAnimate for educators. Too often, we get the basic tools and then no updates after initial work.
    On that note I was curious about what other features from the paid version you thought may be valuable. Are there tools and effect choices to which you are denied access? Are there user limitations or viewing limitations compared to the full paid version?
    If not, I will definitely use this as an ice breaker introduction with student groups in the future. I was thinking I could allow the students to script their own introductions at a commencement or awards show, sort of like you have done in the past, to pull out their best self image and get them to think positively about themselves through their writing!

  3. Hi Nikki. Using goanimate as an end of the school year reflection for the students to demonstrate an important concept they have mastered is a great idea.I love it! If you don't mind, I'm going to borrow your plan and use next year. I was also thinking that using goanimate at the end of year would be a more engaging and fun way for my students to share their success at reaching their individual academic goals which they each set for themselves at the beginning of the school year. Lastly, I'm envious of you having access to a wide range of technology in your classroom and the fact that you have permission to use photographs and video of your students to enhance your videos. Great Work!
