Thursday, June 2, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my first ever blog. Yes, that's right, I'm a virgin. The following direction is taken from our assignment board for this particular assignment: "Your blog posts may fall under four different categories: a learning experience, a link to a comment on another blog, an embedded video, or an optional post."

What?!? So, really, we can post whatever we'd like, right? I started this morning thinking I certainly don't have time to make and embed a movie, I don't follow any blogs, and I'm not creative enough to come up with some optional post. What, like a music review? The life and times of a woman in a desert wonderland (I'm from Phoenix)? I pondered what I would write over the course of the day and still didn't have anything in mind when I came home from school (aka work). I donned my running gear, went for a mind-cleansing run and voila! hit me like a hammer. I'll write about what is right in front of my face, what I can't stop thinking about even when I try. Are you on the edge of your seat yet?

So, here it is: I work at a school full of beautiful souls who unfortunately find themselves at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy. They often come to school just for refuge from the madness, uncertainty, and pain of their own lives. I found out 3 weeks ago that this school will shut down when the semester is over.  I don't have a job anymore.

This weekend my partner of 14 years told me that she is leaving our kids and I. I don't have a partner anymore.


Now, the first thing you need to understand is that my partner is not a bad person. We all know that the failure of a relationship has shared responsibility and this one is no exception. The second thing you need to know is that I am typically I very private person and I am certainly not looking for pity.

At this point you're probably asking yourself, "then why in the world is she telling us all this?" Well, thanks for asking. I'll tell you...

It's because I learned something today. What? you ask. Well, I learned that
just like my students, I came to school for refuge from the madness, uncertainty, and pain of my life too. The thought of calling in sick to work, even with puffy eyes and no sleep and soooo much to figure out, never even occurred to me. Why?!?!?!? Because, these kids, who need and deserve soooo much more in their lives, give me everything they have. It just so happens that today it turned out to be exactly what I needed. What a lucky girl I am!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Preach on Nikki!!! I really like the way your view of your students and their disenfranchisement. I appreciate this so much more than the head in the sand view of many of my peers! Let's flip this system on its head and give the kids the power!
