Monday, June 13, 2011


The third part of the iMovie 'll training consisted of "Working with Audio," "Sharing your Movies," and of course, earning the coveted completion certificate. :-)

The most interesting part of these sections of training was the "Editing to the Beat" chapter. I did not attempt to use this feature for the following video, but am eagerly anticipating incorporating into one soon.

I thoroughly enjoyed this entire series of training tutorials. They tutorials really inspired me to kind of just play around with and familiarize myself with all of the neat-o features.

I was really excited to use the green screen effect and like the way it turned out for the most part. I think that the end product might be more crisp if I used a wall or backdrop that was a more saturated green. I also want to research and see if there is a way to position where your head is on the playback or if you just have to film off of center in order to get out of the center of the picture.

I also played with some audio features and even had my girls do a voiceover. The final is actually two separate voiceovers overlapping each other. I threw some music from iLife sound effects in also.

It was also beneficial to work with a still photo and learn how to adjust it to last as long as the overlapping video and apply the Ken Burns effect.

I worked with text options, transitions, and backgrounds too.

 All in all this was an extremely informational and rewarding experience. I'm looking forward to using all that I learned over and over again! Stay tuned...

'Til well.

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